Monday, June 30, 2014

Busy busy

The days fly by running after two little ones, sometimes I feel so busy doing not much of anything, but looking through some pictures from the past month shows a different story.

We have a picnic everyday

We've had more moose in the hood, a mama and very young baby

Audrey had her first visit to the dentist and the hairdresser.

Here Audrey is sporting one of the many goodies from the dentist.

And here she is sporting her new haircut.

A couple of old friends of Chris's came to visit for a fun-filled weekend.

There has been a lot of soccer to watch!!

And we have been watching Julian get the hang of standing without hanging on, as well as moving around on his feet while hanging on to whatever he can get his hands on.

Oh yeah and we took a trip to Palisade and went to one day of a music festival, but no pictures were taken of our festivarian crew because Julian and I broke the iPhone during the drive there.

1 comment:

  1. a picnic everyday - what a wonderful life!! But do not feed a moose a muffin :(
