Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Cowgirl princess and other things that are said

Audrey got the pink tiara cowgirl hat from her sweet Auntie Ashley and Uncle Brian yesterday (they are trying to convert her into a Texan) and she has not taken it off since.

Audrey's words:

"I'm going to be a cowgirl when I grow up and then I'll know a lot about horses. Now I know that horses say neigh. I know that horses gallops like unicorns and ponies. I know that horses have feet that look kind of funny but the horse feet are just like ponies and unicorns because horses and ponies and unicorns look a lot alike except for the horns on unicorns. That's all I know about horses."

Speaking of words Julian is talking a lot more which is pretty exciting, yesterday he mimicked me perfectly when I called Audrey bossyboots. One of the sweetest things he says is his response when Chris or I tell him I love you, he says "love mama, dada, Audrey" and sometimes throws gampa in too since he just stayed with us for a month.
It seems like Julian's vocalizing really took off when we were in Nicaragua a few months ago. One night we were sitting at the table a couple hundred yards from the ocean, eating some fish that we bought at the fish market next to the port. When he put this together it must have blown his mind because throughout the meal he repeatedly pointed to the fish on the plate and out to the ocean and repeated fish water fish water.

Julian on Lake Nicaragua

Kiddies enjoying grandpa story time last month