Thursday, January 26, 2012

Head Strong

Audrey now has the strength to hold herself upright, with support, which makes for some cute pictures:

She's not too sure about the Bumbo seat, perhaps its too soon

This is her favorite place to sit because she can grab at the toys

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Sleep pretty darlin' do not cry...

...and i will sing a lullaby.

I see the resemblance. Do you?

Audrey set her own personal best with 8 straight hours of sleep last night! She seems to do her best sleeping after a night out at a party. 

Audrey enjoying some zzz's in our bed rather than the bassinet

Sleepy time on Grandma's chest

All cozy wrapped in the handiwork of grand auntie Debbie

Grandpa and Audrey taking a break

Adorable Audrey

Uncle Alex soothing Audrey to sleep