Wednesday, July 31, 2013

"Expected Delivery Date"

I know that a due date is just a guess and have read the statistic that only 5% of women actually deliver on that date, so I'm not counting on anything happening today just because the calculator gave me this date. I love that the media in England ( and around the world) had to guess at the Duchess of Cambridge's due date ( and got it wrong) because the Royal Family simply announced she was due in "mid July".

And yet here I am on my Due Date, more than ready, no let me rewrite that--MORE THAN READY!!!

I have been feeling little rumblings and changes in my body for a week and a half. I got out the recipe for "birth"day cake the Friday before last and its been sitting on the kitchen counter since then. Yesterday morning, after being awake for two hours in the middle of the night (very rare for me) with crampy contraction-like action, I couldn't wait any longer and went ahead and made the cupcakes.

Then all day yesterday I proceeded to have mild contractions that felt very much like early labor. I talked with my midwife yesterday evening and she said go to bed early because we'd be seeing each other in the middle of the night...obviously we didn't or this would be a different post. I slept very soundly last night (got up to pee five times, but that's normal) and haven't felt a thing today.

The other thing that has made waiting more difficult, aside from the little internal changes, is that Audrey was born 12 days before her due date and siblings tend to trend towards similar birthdays in relation to due dates.

So, I guess, just like with parenting, and with life, we cannot presume to know exactly what to expect, or count on our expectations being met. But we can prepare and prepare and prepare; so that is what me and my little munchkin are doing, although the freezer has run out of space for pre-made dinners and I can only reasonably wash the baby clothes so many times.

I'm off to see the midwife now, more news to come....


  1. Thanks for your wonderful update! As hard as it is, patience is a valuable skill to learn. Having to wait for our babies was a powerful lesson. love you all.

  2. This baby's arrival is more hotly anticipated that Prince George's...

  3. HAAAH - Meghan! when we were at the reunion and Dan came up to me and said, "So did you hear, Brent was born!" Yikes - yikes! Wow, a boy, and they already named him???!!! But no, what Dan actually said was, "the PRINCE was born." My hearing is totally shot, but it was an exciting moment. (Sure hope you are not considering Brent for a boy's name, Ellen :)))
