Monday, November 17, 2014

When the leaves fall off the trees

Early in the summer Audrey had a lot of questions about her birthday, most importantly, When?  So I told her that her birthday was when the leaves fall off the trees, she was content and the questions ended...until the leaves started changing colors.

We kicked off the autumnal changes with the Annual Seedhouse Hullabaloo, where we camped in some chilly weather, played by the river, rode bikes, played cornhole, and sat around the campfire, among other things.

As September turned to October, the leaves that had changed colors began to fall, and the intensity of questions grew, "now it is my birthday right?", "is it my birthday yet?".  So we switched the description of When?! to October Sixteenth, Audrey practiced saying those big words and we continued to enjoy the beautiful colors and beautiful weather.

Then October 16th finally arrived and we celebrated at home with a family dinner, menu chosen by Audrey: chicken nuggets, broccoli, craisins, cheerios, and snake soup.  What is snake soup you ask?  Me too, but Audrey couldn't provide an answer so I made something up "out of my head".

Trying out new birthday bike

Then we had another celebration with friends at a park on yet another glorious fall day.

The final hallmark of the fall season is, of course, Halloween.  I was Daenarys Targaryen and the rest of the gang were my dragons.

Halloween also brought houseguests; Grandma, Grandpa, and Uncle Dan of Durango came.

Now the snow is here and it feels like winter, even though the solstice is still a month away.

We are ready to ski


  1. Great photos and posts!!! Love and miss you all!! Hugs and kisses from Gammy ooooxxxxx

  2. Julian is the only one I have seen skiing in diapers, other than Chris

  3. Love your post. Happy Birthday, Audrey! Hey the snake soup looks delicious. I had to make Ghost Pie for Ben recently. didn't exactly know what that was either.

  4. You'll have to submit that snake soup recipe to the Kelly Cookbook - looks divine! Happy 3rd Birthday Audrey!!
