Friday, November 30, 2012

Monkey baby

Just like her daddy, Audrey loves bananas. It wasn't always this way, when she first tried them seven months ago she turned up her nose. But now she demands a banana every morning, reaches out for them anytime she sees them, and even has a word for them, "nana", which she uses to name food in general as well. Not that she needs it for banana noshing but her fifth tooth poked out through the gums today. Well, enough blogging for now, I've got to get to the store...we are out of bananas!


  1. Oooh ooh ahh ahh - her Auntie Mary also demands nana's in the morning and Annie Pup's nickname is AB (Annie Banannie). She begs for a bit from me and Dan every morn. Drey's Papa Kev also is a naner lover from what I hear . . .

  2. And eating whilst standing on the table, as well! Oh, these progressive parents.....
    Oh hey, my dog Yoda loves bananas too! We have a whole bond going here. Well Audrey is going to LOVE Curious George.

  3. Banana hog-lette! Little stinker is SOOO big!

  4. She's come a long way since avocado...
