Thursday, April 5, 2012


Our one month of winter came and went fast and now it is full on spring here. The ski area has closed all but a third of the terrain and is talking about trucking in snow for closing weekend next week. This is fine with Audrey because the warm weather has allowed for many trips to the pool and rides in her bike carrier, which makes for some good naps...she typically falls asleep within moments of movement on the bike and one day a couple weeks ago she fell asleep in my arms as we left the pool.

Audrey's first flowers.

I had a couple more pics I wanted to post but I can't figure out how to sync them from Chris's iPhone into the iCloud so I can get them on the iPad and post them using the blogpress app. Any tech tips are welcome :)


  1. Spring means it's time for Audrey to come to California! WOOT!

  2. from the phone to the cloud to the pad, to us! What is this world??

    Cute pictures.

  3. she sure looks happy waiting to roll off on a adventure!
