Friday, December 16, 2011

XC Skiing

Audrey went out on her very first cross country ski expedition with mama, Grandma, & Grandpa.  We went to the Home Ranch in North Routt County, where we skied a couple trails, ate an amazingly delicious lunch, and shared fond memories of the summer that my dear cousin Meghan worked there shoveling hay (or something like that).

Some of the many horses (200 or so?) that live at the ranch

Good form Grandma!

My sweet little bundle

Gearing up to go back out after lunch

Heading out to the Lodwick Loop (named for one of the local Olympians)
with Hahns Peak in the background

Some great views out here

View of the Zirkels

Round Mountain (?) in the back ground


  1. What fun! What was the "amazingly delicious lunch"? Love the photo of Audrey bundled up!

  2. Oh what FUN! Way to go, Audrey - great form.

  3. Kathleen, wish I was there - I could keep you company bringing up the rear (maybe....if I could keep up with you!)> Now make SURE that baby's warm enough!!

  4. I'm sure the baby was very toasty bundled up in front of mom! Love the pictures. I remember seeing some cute pictures of Meghan working the ranch way back when.
