Thursday, March 27, 2014

New footage

Crawling video from the day before yesterday. He is been getting a lot of practice since then and making a lot of forward progress, so I'd say he is now, officially, a crawler.

UPDATED footage here , as of 3/28 8:00am. Side note, this video is posted on YouTube, and alongside of it are "suggested videos" that the viewer might also be interested in. Most of the videos are of this or that baby REALLY crawling or really crawling, but there also a video of Wayne Rooney doing a "man of the match" interview after the West Ham v Man U game last week, hmm...what's the connection.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Guest blog from Grandma

Twenty one days in Steamboat!
How the days the flew by
like horses galloping down the street
taking my breath away.
Immersed in the lives of our children and theirs
sharing a special time.
A snow rabbit with big ears and carrots made his smile
Audrey is a big girl now with such a busy life.
Julian is my snugglie boy, the sweetest you could find.
Music class. my bonnie lies over the ocean
I couldn't sing the last lines on our last class.
tears got in my way.
Valentine craft at the library, how many eyes we had!
Audrey skis and swims and sings I like flowers
and has her brother in her room now to watch over.
Chris and Ellen are such wonderful parents
My heart is full of love.

And some video footage.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Trying to move

I want the tiger, if I avoid eye contact maybe I can sneak up on him

or I could launch an attack from plank position

hands and knees is how Audrey does it when she's coaching me

but I just can't seem to get anywhere this way

Oh I'm so close!

Hmm, there are interesting things behind me too...

Check out some Video of Julian trying to crawl.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Six Months

Julian had his six month check up a few weeks ago. He weighed in at 16 lbs, 2'2", which is around the 25th percentile for both height and weight, he's no pipsqueak though. He loves to eat and has been mowing down all sorts of new foods, he loves oatmeal and butternut squash, banana is the only thing he has been turning his nose up at.

At the check up the doctor and I were talking about how he is growing well and is healthy enough that he can now go through the night without a feed and how we can start to facilitate sleep independence, Julian had a lot to say during this discussion too. At first I thought maybe he was protesting, but a few days later after he slept throughout the night for the first time I realized he was just voicing concerns and asking questions, like any well informed patient must do.

After he demonstrated a solid habit of sleeping through the night we transitioned him to sharing a room with his big sister. They are so sweet together.

And now as Julian's sixth month is coming to a close he is scooting around a ton and occasionally getting himself into crawl position and launching forward to grab something in front of him. And another milestone is well in view just underneath his gums, cutting its way to the surface.