Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Big Girl

Audrey has turned into a willful and accomplished toddler. She does amazing things like stack all her rings,

initiate singing "Row Your Boat",
Watch here
ask for a banana every morning,

help out in the kitchen,

She also does mischievous, dangerous, and, dare I say it, annoying things. For example she took a dive off the kitchen chair that was very scary, now we have that set up adjusted so she is cornered in

She discovered the thrill of toilet paper

And she has taken to throwing fits when she isn't getting what she wants, which mysteriously includes that banana: every morning when she gets her banana peeled for her she starts freaking out, in a frustrated way, not a "oh my god there's my banana I'm going to inhale it" way (even though that is what she does with it as soon as she is done whining and protesting). What's up with that, feel free to speculate in the comments section.
Some big girl stats, from her 15 month check up:
Weight: 19lbs 7 oz
Height: 29"
Words over 8: yes--mama and dada (still somewhat interchangeable), up, water, more, banana, dog, book, ball, shoe, thank you, nose, hi, bye bye, no, yes, baby, uh oh.
I'm ready to start calling her "one and a half" for simplicity, Chris, being more math savvy wants to stick with naming her age by months until she is at least forty eight (months that is, not years, come on he's not that weird!)
At school she moved up from the infant room to the toddler room. The difference I was a little worried about is that in the toddler room they do naps on little cots on the floor. The teacher said on the first day Audrey took a forty five minute nap, woke up and must have remembered how much there is to play with, so got up and played for thirty minutes or so then started yawning and decided to go back to her cot for the second half of her nap and proceeded to sleep for another fortyfive minutes.
In other big girl news, Audrey is starting to use the potty more, because as a little three year old told us in the hallway at school "big kids go in the potty, babies go in their diapers", I felt my foot in my mouth when I said "oh then you must go in the potty" and her mommy told me "no, but she tries", oh well. You can tell our girl is a big kid because she has undies that she thinks she looks quite good in.

And lastly, for the big girl news update, we will be promoting Audrey to big sister come July when a new baby joins the family.

Christmas 2012

Better late than never...right?

We took a trip to Michigan back in December to visit Grandma and Grandpa, Uncle Alex and Uncle Dan went too.  Here are some pictures:

Audrey got a bike for Christmas, maybe by the summer she'll be big enough for it.