Audrey has been developing her motor skills, both fine and gross, to the point where if she is not watched closely she will pick up tiny bits of dirt, fluff, grass to put in her mouth, or just disappear altogether

Luckily, she has been pretty easy to find (unlike my brother as a baby in the funny story posted in the comments section
Other gross motor skills (that's the moving around ones, not the putting things in her mouth ones) include pulling herself up on everything, then sitting back down again or scooting along the edge on whatever she is holding on to. She has also had a few instances of standing all by herself for a few seconds, the first time was long enough for me to drop my jaw, pick it up, and say "holy shoot!" before she gracefully sat down on her butt.
Some of her fine motor skills have been documented by video and posted to YouTube. Here is one of her using a modified pincer grasp to
eat cheerios and here's another showing her grabbing rings while
playing with Gammy , it starts with some adorable giggles before getting down to the more serious business of holding on to the rings, dropping rings, picking up rings, etc, etc.